ProMED-mail postDate: Wed 16 May 2012
Source: World News [edited]
5 people have died in the Black Sea region of Turkey of a disease that can be transmitted by tick bites, officials said; 3 residents of Kastamonu province in northern Turkey were taken to the Ankara Numune Hospital on Tuesday 15 May 2012 and died that day from Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, today's [16 May 2012] Zaman [newspaper] reported. A shepherd from Tokat district in Tokat province and a farmer from Corum province also died of the disease Tuesday.
The disease, which affects mainly farm and slaughterhouse workers in the countryside and in the central Anatolia and Black Sea regions, is normally transmitted by bites from infected ticks or through direct contact with infected blood tissue in livestock. Transmission between humans through exposure to contaminated blood is rare.
As a result of global warming, ticks carrying the virus are multiplying faster, scientists said. The disease, for which there is no vaccine, causes hemorrhage, high fever, muscle pain, and vomiting. In severe cases, the disease can cause a body rash, bleeding from the bowels and gums and renal failure.
The disease, which has a mortality rate of about 30 percent, was 1st identified in the Crimea in 1944
Source: World News [edited]
5 people have died in the Black Sea region of Turkey of a disease that can be transmitted by tick bites, officials said; 3 residents of Kastamonu province in northern Turkey were taken to the Ankara Numune Hospital on Tuesday 15 May 2012 and died that day from Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, today's [16 May 2012] Zaman [newspaper] reported. A shepherd from Tokat district in Tokat province and a farmer from Corum province also died of the disease Tuesday.
The disease, which affects mainly farm and slaughterhouse workers in the countryside and in the central Anatolia and Black Sea regions, is normally transmitted by bites from infected ticks or through direct contact with infected blood tissue in livestock. Transmission between humans through exposure to contaminated blood is rare.
As a result of global warming, ticks carrying the virus are multiplying faster, scientists said. The disease, for which there is no vaccine, causes hemorrhage, high fever, muscle pain, and vomiting. In severe cases, the disease can cause a body rash, bleeding from the bowels and gums and renal failure.
The disease, which has a mortality rate of about 30 percent, was 1st identified in the Crimea in 1944
and later appeared in the Congo.
حمى القرم – الكونغو النزفية يمكن اعتبار الحيوانات ألأليفه كالماشية والأغنام والماعز عوامل مقوية للفيروس وتعطيه مزيدا من الضراوة أثناء الأوبئة ومواسمها وغالبا تكون الأعراض غير واضحة وربما ظهرت خفيفة على العجول وعلى الحملان ولكن قد تحدث حالات إجهاض بين الحيوانات الحوامل وتتلخص الأعراض في فقد الشهية وعدم الحركة والكسل وقد يحدث إجهاض وقد سجلت معايير عالية في العجول والماشية في مناطق الإصابات الآدمية وعند ذبح الحيوان المصاب حتى وان لم تكن عليه أعراض واضحة فقد تنتقل العدوى للجزارين والبيطريين نتيجة ملامسة الدم الموبوء ودخول الفيروس عبر الأغشية المخاطية أو عبر الجلد المصاب بجروح .
وقد سجلت إصابة أدمية عديدة انتهت بالموت بين أشخاص لامسوا دم حيوانات مصابة بالفيروس وأصيبوا بالعدوى من خلال جروح في اليد
وقد سجلت إصابة أدمية عديدة انتهت بالموت بين أشخاص لامسوا دم حيوانات مصابة بالفيروس وأصيبوا بالعدوى من خلال جروح في اليد
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